Whitelisting is useful when mail from a sender you do want to receive email from is being captured by the spam filter, Block-listing is useful when unwanted mail from a sender is still getting through to your inbox.
- Log in to the spam filter through your webmail (SpamTitan option on the top right-hand corner)
- Click Filter Rules
- Click on User Block-list or User Whitelist.
In addition to block-listing or whitelisting a sender, you can also block-list or whitelist individual emails caught by the spam filter.
- Click on Quarantine.
- Check the email you wish to Manage.
- Select Release to send the email to your inbox, Whitelist to add the sender to you whitelist or Delete to delete the email.
Please note: There is no limit to the number of emails that can be stored in quarantine, but any emails in there for longer than 21 days will be automatically deleted.