There are a ton of options at your disposal once you've logged into My Orcon. You can see your account balance and make a payment, view your plan details and add-ons, monitor your usage or place an order, and update your personal information – the list goes on!
Whenever you log in you'll land on the home page which covers your billing information, power usage, plan, data and calling, personal details, and the port filtering toggle.
Get Power
If you don't have power with us, you can click on Get Power and input your ICP or address to check out the available rates and place an order – easy!
My Wifi and Speed Test
These options are only visible if you have our current modem – the Netcomm NF18. My Wifi allows you to update the name and password of your wireless network without having to go directly into the modem's settings and Speed Test checks the speed of your connection from our network to your modem (not to your devices).
Change Hub
From our handy dashboard you can upgrade your plan, change fibre speeds, request an add-on, place a move order, or rent the Google Wifi. Awesome right?
If you are looking to check on your mobile usage or buy an add-on, click on Mobile to be taken to the log in page for your mobile account.
Need something else?
Check out other setup information, changes you can make online, or some helpful tips: