I've place an order, what now?
Once you place your order, we'll book an appointment for your connection. When an order has been placed, your current provider will be notified on the back-end that we wish to take over the services.
If you have not given us your current provider's account information, please get in contact with us here with the following details:
• Current service provider name:
• Account number:
• Name on the account:
• Homeline number (if applicable):
Is there anything I need to do in the meantime?
We will take care of placing the order for you, however we do recommend for you to do the following.
• Give your current provider notice that you are moving your services over to us.
• Leave your services active with your current provider so we can take over the existing service with minimal delay.
• If you have already scheduled a disconnection, please contact your current provider to stop the cancellation as the cancellation order will affect our ability to get you connected.
• Once you are connected with us, please contact your current provider to ensure that your account has been cancelled. This is to make sure that billing stops on their end.