Is our 3G network shutting down?
- You have run out of included Data or NZ and AUS minutes on your mobile plan
- If you’ve used all of the included data or minutes in your Orcon mobile plan, then you will need to purchase a top-up add-on to continue using the service for the month. We have instructions on how to top-up your plan here
- There is a problem with the site you're trying to access
- Try accessing a different site, if you're able to access other websites then it's likely that there is fault with the site that you're trying to access rather than with your Orcon mobile.
- There is a problem with the number you're trying to call
- Try calling the number from another phone, if the same problem occurs then it's likely that there is fault with the number that you're calling rather than with your Orcon mobile.
- There is a problem with your handset
- You will need to contact your mobile manufacturer for further assistance on issues related to your handset.
- There is a problem with your SIM card
- Head over to our contact page here and we will help you out. We can arrange to have a new SIM card sent out to you if you require one.
- You’re trying to roam overseas while your phone is not VoLTE capable
- From 28 October, all 3G networks in Australia are due to shut down. If your phone is not up-to-date and VoLTE roaming capable, you won't be able to use voice services while roaming.
- Because Orcon Mobile is powered by the 2degrees network, to avoid any future issues, check your phone is VoLTE roaming capable before your trip.
- You can also check which overseas countries have VoLTE when roaming here.
- Firstly, get somebody to send you a test message - or even send an SMS to yourself!
- If you don't receive the messages, try turning your phone off and on again. You'd be surprised how often this 'fixes' most electronic issues!
- If you are still not receiving messages after trying these troubleshooting steps, please get in touch with us via our contact page here and we'll see what we can do to help.
- Press the "Home" button, then "Apps" and navigate to "Settings"
- Under "Wireless and Networks", make sure "Wi-Fi" is turned on, then tap "Wi-Fi".
- Your phone will scan for available wireless networks (to re-scan tap the "Scan" button). Tap the network you want to connect to.
- Enter your wireless password and tap "Connect"
- Tap "Settings" then "Wi-Fi". Make sure it's switched on and you should see a list of networks.
- Tap the network you want to join, enter the password and tap "Join"
We, along with other mobile operators in NZ, are shutting down our 3G service by the end of 2025. The future is in faster 4G and 5G networks, so we're upgrading to ensure top-notch connectivity for our customers.
Without an up-to-date phone, you won't be able to use voice services after we shut down our 3G network.
Additionally, from 28 October, all 3G networks in Australia are due to shut down.
Because Orcon Mobile operates on the 2degrees network, to avoid any potential issues in the future, please make sure to check if your phone is VoLTE capable.
For those on our Vulnerable Consumers Register, no action is required at this time. Our team will be in touch to ensure that the phone you’ve been provided is good to go prior to 3G services being switched off.
If you have any questions, get in touch with our team by email at vulnerability@email.orcon.net.nz or give us a call on 0800 13 14 15
If you’re using medical or security alarms they might still be relying on 3G technology. If you're concerned your alarm may be impacted, please check with your current provider to ensure it’s up to date and compatible with 4G.
I can't get online or make a call from my mobile.There are a few different reasons that you might be having an issue getting online or making calls on your mobile:
A common problem is having the speaker volume on your phone too low. You might be able to fix the problem simply by turning up the volume on your mobile. For help doing this have a look in your mobile's instruction manual.
If you've got the volume on your phone maxed out and you're still having trouble hearing let us know on our contact page here and we'll try and find out where the problem lies.
I'm not receiving text messagesBefore you call us, there's some basic troubleshooting you'll need to do:
When you sign up for Orcon Mobile and port your existing mobile number over to us, it can result in an error where outbound calls display the correct mobile number however outbound SMS will display the original number from the SIM.
This is a common experience with iPhones when the number on a SIM card is changed. The information below will help you resolve this. If you are experiencing this issue and are not using an iPhone or it is not resolved after the following troubleshooting please head over to our contact page here and we will help you out.
1. On the iPhone tap Settings
2. In the settings scroll down and tap Phone
3. Tap My Number
4. Enter the correct number (the number you have ported over to Orcon) and then tap Save
5. Restart the iPhone
Some handsets allow you to block certain numbers from texting your phone. You can check whether this facility is available in your mobile's instruction manual.
If your phone doesn't offer this facility and the texts you're receiving are threatening or malicious let us know via our contact page here and we will investigate the messages for you. Here at Orcon we believe that text-bullying is a very serious matter and we treat it as such.
I've lost my SIM card, how can I get a new one?Simply give us a ring on 0800 56 46 87 and we'll have a new one sent out to you. Our SIMs are shipped from Auckland so if you live in the North Island it'll take 1-2 business days, if you live in the South Island it'll take 2-3 business days.
How do I connect my phone to my wireless network?Not all phones are created equal but to save you some time we've put together instructions for connecting Android and Apple devices below:
Both Android and Apple devices will have this little fella to show that you're connected to the wireless.
I can't send a multimedia/MMS message.
You will need to ensure that your phone is capable of sending multimedia messages, and also that the phone you're sending the message to is capable of receiving MMS messages.
These services are not considered standard text messages and therefore they will be charged a per-message rate these charges will show on your next bill.
To configure your phone for multimedia messages, or for instructions on how you can send one from your phone, please refer to your mobile's instruction manual. The access point details that you will need are located here.
Orcon APN Settings1)
APN Name: OrconData
APN: wapaccess.co.nz
Proxy: [not set]
Port: [not set]
Username: [not set]
Password: [not set]
Server: [not set]
MMSC: [not set]
MMS proxy: [not set]
MMS port: [not set]
MCC: 530
MNC: 05
Authentication type: [not set]
APN type: default (type this in)
APN protocol: IPv4
APN Name: OrconMMS
APN: wapaccess.co.nz
Port: 80
Username: [not set]
Password: [not set]
Server: [not set]
MMSC: http://mms.mmsaccess.co.nz
MMS proxy:
MMS port: 80
MCC: 530
MNC: 05
Authentication type: [not set]
APN type: mms (type this in lower case)
APN protocol: IPv4