Network Status
- Click here for outages.
Chorus Planned Scheduled Maintenance
Start Date and Time: 23/09/24 08:00
End Date and Time: 23/09/24 18:00
Service Affected: Fibre Broadband
Area/s Affected: Franklin District:Pukekohe
Outage Duration: 30 Minutes
Event Description:
Planned Chorus Network maintenance and upgrades commencing during this time period. While not all customers will be directly impacted by the changes, some customers may have services connected to a service that is being worked on.
If you are having issues connecting after 23/09/24 18:00, please reboot your modem if your service is still down. Thanks for your patience.
Start Date and Time: 23/09/24 23:00
End Date and Time: 24/09/24 06:00
Service Affected: Copper Broadband and Voice
Area/s Affected: Auckland: Whenuapai, Torbay, Massey
Outage Duration: 30 Minutes
Event Description:
Planned Chorus Network maintenance and upgrades commencing during this time period. While not all customers will be directly impacted by the changes, some customers may have services connected to a service that is being worked on.
If you are having issues connecting after 24/09/24 06:00, please reboot your modem if your service is still down. Thanks for your patience.
Start Date and Time: 23/09/24 23:00
End Date and Time: 24/09/24 06:00
Service Affected: Copper Broadband and Voice
Area/s Affected: Kaipara and Whangarei District: Tangiteroria, Maungakaramea, Opouteke-Tanekaha, Titoki, Maungatapere, Tamaterau
Outage Duration: 30 Minutes
Event Description:
Planned Chorus Network maintenance and upgrades commencing during this time period. While not all customers will be directly impacted by the changes, some customers may have services connected to a service that is being worked on.
If you are having issues connecting after 24/09/24 06:00, please reboot your modem if your service is still down. Thanks for your patience.
Start Date and Time: 23/09/24 23:00
End Date and Time: 24/09/24 06:00
Service Affected: Copper Broadband and Voice
Area/s Affected: Wellington:Kilbirnie
Outage Duration: 120 Minutes
Event Description:
Planned Chorus Network maintenance and upgrades commencing during this time period. While not all customers will be directly impacted by the changes, some customers may have services connected to a service that is being worked on.
If you are having issues connecting after 24/09/24 06:00, please reboot your modem if your service is still down. Thanks for your patience.
Check for outages in your area
Connection problems? Head to our network status page. For all other outages, choose your broadband service and follow the link relating to your region.
Select your Broadband Service
What do I do when my outage is resolved?
After an outage, you will need to restart your modem by simply turning the power off and then back on. This will reconnect your modem to our network.
For Fibre broadband, we suggest restarting both your modem and also the Fibre Optical Network Terminal (ONT).
If you are still having issues connecting to the internet after restating your modem, call our technical support team on 0800 13 14 15.